Monday, August 10, 2020

How to Observe God


    If you are a Christian, then you are part of God's adopted family.  He has chosen each person, but we have have to chose Him back.  We are all His because He made us individually and unlike anyone else.  
    A person can be closer to God and observe Him in their everyday lives.  He can can observed by what you chose to eat and inviting Him to be with you.  You can be a lone, but never alone just as much as you can be in a crowd and feel alone.
    You can observe God by how you live.  You can keep a tidy clean appearance and house to appreciate all He gave you.  Keeping things their best give you the opportunity to talk to others about Him because you are not embarrassed to let people into your home, car, work space, or compliment your wardrobe.  
    You open your heart to observe God financially when you give your tithe.  It is a way to display reverence for Him.  The people that receive the tithe have a responsibility to use it to take care of God's house, property, things, and people.  They need to be using it to observe God's desire for the community.  
    To observe God is to get out of your comfort zone.  It is never easy.  It is a direct decision not to make everything about you.  It starts with praying for the people around you.  It is taking small intentional steps everyday to be closer to God and becoming a better listener.

Deuteronomy 14 

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