Friday, August 14, 2020



    What is a prophet?  A prophet is a person that understands the Word in a way that everyone else does not because God speaks to him through the Word.  Before the Word was written, God spoke to people to have them write it.  God's Word, aka the Bible, is the most common way God speaks to individuals today.  Prophets are seers that were called to speak through the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  
    God chooses who He will have work or speak for Him.  We don't get a say in it.  The individual can accept or reject, but they don't get to decide if God will speak to them or not.  Prophets are to take care of God's people.  It is a job with great responsibility.  
    Prophets are to keep people from the harm of the world by educating people on what God expects.  They have to try to keep the people from detestable lifestyles and practices: idols, worship other gods, sorcery, omens, fortune telling, witchcraft, enchantments, consulting with the dead, sacrificing children, and more.  These are gateways to the spirit world, but not in the way that you want to go.  It can allow evil to clutch onto you.  Spirits are not to be trifled with.
    They live among all their peers, but they are set apart as different.  Nothing they do will change the fact that they are different because they have His Word planted in their mouths.  God provides the prophet to have a person the people can turn to instead of other sources.  People have questions about what happens after life, spiritual world, and the unknown.  It is natural to have question.  We just need to do it in the proper way.  
    The prophet will speak God's Word in a way that you will understand.  Listen so you can identify a true prophet from a false prophet because a false prophet will meet his demise for distorting God's Word.  He will take his followers with him.  You know a prophet is true because God will allow Him to know pieces of the future that follow God's Word.  When it happens, then you will know the prophet to be true.  

Deuteronomy 18

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