Saturday, August 15, 2020



    We are all witnesses.  We see things everyday: good and bad.  It is unavoidable.  The question is what kind of witness are we?  Do we use what we see and perceive for personal gain, help others, manipulation, keep it to ourselves, or other motivations?  It is what we do with what we know that matters.
     When three or more witnesses come together in an official capacity, then it holds power.  That kind of power needs to be honest and uphold integrity.  It is the kind of power that can send a person to prison for the rest of their lives.  It can grant freedom.  It can destroy lives.  It can bring relief.  We can't be flippant about other people's lives.
    Killers need to be separated from society (acts of war not included).  They took a life or lives.  It is not something to down play or excuse.  We need to find forgiveness to have personal freedom, but we don't need to allow them freedom.  We need to walk with God in this type of process to protect everyone.  That means we can't pity them no matter what their story is.  
    At the same time no person should be convicted without evidence or less than three witnesses.  The  the actual crime may have no witnesses.  It can be a character witness or of events that are warning signs.  Again, this needs to be taken seriously and not as an act of revenge or superiority.  
    There are other things that are illegal other than murder that need witnesses too.  There is theft.  Moving numbers or boundaries to self profit.  There is usery.  There are so many ways people hurt other people that are criminal.
    The decision should be made by a judge, pastor, and God.  The judge should investigate what really happened.  They should discover a lying witness.  A witness that lies should be shown no pity just like a criminal.  They should be purged from their community.  Today, I think they could go to prison like a criminal.  We need to make sure God's righteousness prevails in the courts.  Evil has to be purged for society to have faith in the judicial system, society itself, and to be able to live in peace.

Deuteronomy 19

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