Sunday, August 16, 2020



    War is devastation that has long term side affects.  War takes lives.  It ruins lives.  It scars lives.  It causes an economic decline.  War is a small word that defines the worst part of life that is sometimes required to change things for the better.  It may eventually bring about the desired change, but it has a heavy price.
    The part that not all people realize is that war is more than countries, nations, or divided nations fighting for what they believe.  We can also have internal wars, feuds, or spiritual that do not affect too many people, but causes just as much personal damage.
    If it is a God ordained war then go do what you have to do without fear.  It doesn't matter if you are outnumbered, odds look bleak, you feel weak, or another doubt that Satan plants.  If God is with you, then who can defeat you?  There is not time for cowardliness.
    Before going to battle prepare yourself.  In the New Testament, in a couple of books, you can find the armor of God.  Before you go into battle, dedicate your home to God.  Let Him penetrate every hidden corner of your home, spirit, and mind.  
    Make a choice to enjoy life.  Go get married and build your relationships strong with God.  If you are not able to put weaknesses aside, then do not go into battle.  Satan can smell out doubt and fear and he will attack viciously.  However, if you start battle, then you can't stop until it is over.  If you turn your back to your enemy then you make yourself vulnerable to devastation.  You can't see the attack if you are running away.
    In war, do not show the enemy mercy.  Your life and future depend on it.  The future of your family depend on it.  Destroy the enemy leaving none behind to come back and start it all over again.  Destroy anything that hinders you, so that you will not be tempted or become weak.  Do not become like what you are trying to destroy.  These are God's rules on war against those whom oppose Him.  

Deuteronomy 20

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