Monday, August 17, 2020

Blue Laws


    Every city has and district has their own little set of laws that works for that community.  Those special laws are called blue laws.  These types of laws go for God's chosen people too.  God is prepared for anything that we throw at Him, so He gave us some laws on things that most of us would never consider.
    One is about a random killing.  A body is found and there are no suspects or witnesses.  It is up to the elders of the community, judge, and pastor to be responsible for the body.  They were responsible for removing the guilt from the community.  Without forensics like we have now, it would have been impossible to figure out who did it.  No one ever wants to think that a neighbor, family member, or friend could do something so horrible.
    If a woman is taken captive and forced to marry, then she had to shave her head, trim her nails, and lay aside the clothes that she had been wearing.  Basically she was removing her old life to start over in a new one.  Life was not very kind to women back then.  She was allowed to mourn her family for a month, but then she was expected to take up her new role in life.  
    The firstborn were set aside as special for God.  They were treated differently.  They lived with special rights, no matter the circumstances that brought them into the world.
    The rebellious child does not listen to their parents.  If they refused to change after being diciplined, then they were to be brought before the elders for their stubborn rebellion.  The parents had to testify about the unrepentant sins of their child.  The rebellious child would be stoned to death to be purged the community from evil.  That way it would produce a healthy fear among other children where they would reconsider being rebellious. 
    There are various laws on all topics like a murder that is hung had to be burried under the tree he was hung on and God would curse his body.  They are there for a reason and should not be considered outdated.  Things change, but people in general stay the same.  Without guidelines we will live in a disturbing society where no one feels safe, loved, or responsible.

Deuteronomy 21

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