Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Perception on Law


    We all have a view point or perception on laws.  It may not be that we don't agree with the laws, which I am sure that there are some that every person does not like or understand.  It is more in how the laws are enforced that bother people.  People are people.  Nobody is perfect.  There will always be a few bad ones in every part of life that make it worse for the people that are trying to do it right.
    If you don't want people to tell you how to live, then hold yourself accountable.  Don't give anyone room to tell you how to live, but remember that no matter what you are just a person.  Don't become a perfectionist because you will make yourself sick.  Educate yourself and do what you can to hold yourself accountable.
    If you find another person's property, then do all you can to give it back.  It comes to the scenario: if you find a $20 on the ground do you consider it yours (loser weepers finders keepers), try to find the owner, give it to another (pay it forward), or give it to someone near by to take responsibility?  What you do with that money is all based on your perception of whom property it is.
    God made it a law on how people dress.  We are not to cross-dress or dress in a distracting way.  The perception is key here.  Dress the way you want for yourself, but not trying to be anything other than God's child.  It is a confusing age today.  God was trying to keep it simple.  If a woman had to work like a man, then she should dress appropriately.  He is addressing when someone wants to be the opposite sex than how He created them.
    God talks about making hybrids.  He told His people not to splice seeds.  We are seeing harm in that now.  It probably looked innocent.  A way to produce stronger and more food, but now wheat is causing a lot of health problems.  It goes toward the long game versus the short game.  To many of us make decisions based on survival versus the future.  Basically he made everything perfectly.  He doesn't need any other hands in His kitchen.
    Marriage has laws.  It is possibly the most controversial today.  Everyone seems to have a different perception on what marriage is.  Basically, take responsibility to keep yourself and your marriage pure.  If virtue is broken, then that is grounds for divorce if you chose that route.  Divorce is no small thing and should not be the first option to get out of a marriage.  God even has laws on how to handle rape.

Deuteronomy 22

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