Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Blue Laws Part 2


    The purpose of the law is to keep society functioning and feeling safe.  When that is stolen from people their entire world falls apart.  It changes them forever.  We all have to show personal restraint at times.  The laws are just the boundary lines that are not to be crossed.  They help us know where we can't go.
    When a person was mutilated, violated physically, or handicapped they were considered unclean.  They were not allowed to enter into God's assembly.  It is not right when someone breaks the law and hurts another person that the victim is the one that is punished.  When we respect each person as a human being, a creation of God, then no one is harming the path God has for each of us.  A victim is impure  until they can go to God for real healing because victimization brings darkness into the heart.
    We are to avoid things that make us impure mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  In the OT that included touching the dead (now we can get clean immediately, but then it was risky).  Another thing that was considered unclean was body excretion.  We are all expected to be sanitary at the very least.  Everyone around you appreciates that.
    Some of God's blue laws goes into how to take care of people like protecting those whom can't protect themselves.  Protect, but do not take advantage or oppress them.  
    Do not charge interest for a loan among your own people.  Outsiders is okay, but then you need to figure out who is your community and who is not.  
    Do not prostitute yourself, especially for someone's sin.  God detest sex sin, but it is worse when it is brought on because of another person's sin.  Money that comes from that is tainted and should not be accepted.
    Never break a vow, especially to God.  You made a choice and no one made you.  Follow through with your word of honor.  Do not waste time, but make it your number one goal until it is done.
    Use what you need to survive in life, but do not take more than what you need.  Leave things in life for others.  This goes into hoarding.  You can't take care of what you have when you hoard.  Taking to just survive is one thing.  Stealing to have is another.  It is better to ask than to take.  People should be care enough to give you what you need.

Deuteronomy 23

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