Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Disobedience Equals Defeat


    There are period of times, sometimes just a day, where we feel defeated.  It may come down to the competition being better, favored, or self-destruction.  The reason does not change the horrible feeling, but it can change what you do about it.  If the defeat was because of something you did, then you can learn from it and move on.  Or you can keep digging a hole for yourself.
    God gave His people clear instruction on how to get their promised land, thrive, and live in peace.  They took the land, but toward the end the endurance was failing.  This generation had not had the struggles that the previous two generations had endured.  They appreciated what they had, but were not fighting as hard for it.  
    God told them to destroy all the pagan altars, but they did not.  This was a bad choice.  The consequence was that the people no longer were being handed over to them.  They now had to fight harder to get what they wanted.  The angel that was with the Hebrews when they left Egypt was now confronting them.
    Joshua's son, Nun, had taken the leadership position.  Like his father he was 110 when he died.  However, he had not invested into the education of God into the people.  When he died, the people no longer knew God.  It was natural that they would turn to other gods. 
    However, God makes Himself known and expects each of us to find a way to Him.  He will teach the teachable.   Since they did not seek Him, He handed them over to raiders and plunderers.  
    This is when God introduced judges into the Christian society.  Yet, the people did not listen.  They were stubborn in their disobedience to God.  Each generation was becoming worst than the last.  God never breaks His covenants, but He does get angry when we ignore them.  The most self-defeating thing we can do is to ignore God.

Judges 2

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