Saturday, September 12, 2020

Honoring Boundaries


    The saying goes treat others the way you want to be treated.  It is not necessarily a Biblical rule, but it will uphold God's expectations on how to treat people if you love yourself.  If you want people to respect your boundaries, then you need to respect other people's boundaries.  Honor God with boundaires.
    God divided the land to be fair to every tribe.  He gave the boundaries to Moses who laid it out for Joshua and the other leaders to enforce.  If they wanted to continue to be blessed beyond their imagination, then they needed to honor God's boundaries laid out for them.  They may not have understood that God gives boundaries to help people live in peace, but they did know that it paid off honoring them.
    Caleb and Joshua were the only ones that had trusted God when their peers trusted their eyes.  Caleb chose the land he wanted, so he went to Joshua to talk about it.  Joshua was now 85.  He blessed Caleb and told him to take Hebron as his reward for following God whole heartedly.  The land rested from war because they honored God.
    If we chose to follow God with all of out heart, then we can be blessed beyond our imagination.  It is our eyes and doubts that hold us back.  We are our own worst enemies, but with God we can overcome whatever holds us back.  It is okay to ask for what we want in life.  The worst thing that could happen is to be told no.

Joshua 14

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