Sunday, September 13, 2020



    Did you know that allotment was a Biblical word.  It is a word that we use to imply fairness in a secular world, but it is actually more than that.  Allotment references the boundaries of land set by God or by lot done by priest.  It is dividing things in a fair way, so that no one feel jilted.
    Joshua divided the land clan by clan because he understood that he probably would not live long enough to see all of it taken.  Joshua was careful to honor the boundaries set by God's allotment.  He understood that if the boundaries were not laid out clearly, that over time people would argue over land.  Arguing over land has been a thing since the beginning of humanity.  People die over such arguments.  Land may be one of the most valuable things in this world, but it is not worth dying over.      
    Land is one of the best inheritances that you can leave for a person because it never loses value.  The only way it does is if people destroy it.  Caleb gave some of his land to the man that captured that land.  Othniel received that land by marrying his daughter.   It was his way of giving it to her.  Then he blessed the land to bless her wishes because women were not alloed to inherit land back then.

Joshua 15

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