Saturday, September 19, 2020

How to Say Goodbye Part 2


    We have established that saying good bye can be hard, even when it is an exciting change.  Saying good bye is a conclusion to a chapter in your life.  Most are temporary, but when you reconvene things are always different, especially if it has been a long time.  
    Some goodbyes are permanent.  We want to think that all of our loved ones will be seen again in Heaven, but it just is not true.  Some of your people you will never see again and that is heart breaking.
    Joshua had been a leader the majority of his life.  He was Moses' right hand man which put him in the leadership seat.  When Moses died, he was responsible for everyone and he did a fabulous job.  When it was his turn to say goodbye he followed in his predecessors footsteps, but still made it his own.
    The nation had lived in peace for many years when Joshua called all the leaders on convene.  He was old and ready to step down as the leader of the nation.  He knew he did not have long in the world and wanted to wrap up business before that happened.  He reminded them of their duties and how to honor God.  As long as they held fast to God's ways without straying, then no one would ever be able to defeat them.  
    Joshua was ready to die.  His relationship with God was so strong that he never felt fear.   He knew that God would never fail the people, even when the people fail God.  He understood God's discipline and why it was there.  He had taught his people the best he could and now it was up to them to live it.  It was their choice on how to live their lives.  
    When we are getting ready for the final transition in life, we need to make sure that we are secure.  The older we become the more clear that is.  However, the values of individuals vary.  Do right by the people in your life.  Teach your loved one to follow God, then let go.  You can't control them, you can only love them.  Hold close to God and walk out of this life with confidence.

Joshua 23

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