Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Be Honorable Part 1


    Being honorable is more than appearance, behavior, or conduct.  It is a mindset of doing what is right no matter how bad, dark, or hopeless things appear.  It is knowing that nothing last forever and that you will get through the bad parts of life.  It is living a life worthy of respect by showing respect to others.  It is a life of integrity and caring about other people.
    Boaz was a wealthy and honorable man.  He also just happened to be a relative to Naomi's late husband.  Ruth went out to the field like all the homeless, widows, and orphans to gather food that the harvesters dropped.  That is how they got food.  She just happened to be at Boaz's field.  
    Boaz went out to meet his workers and noticed her.  He asked his foreman about her.  He told her not to glean at any other field and he would make sure she stayed safe.  He made sure she always had enough food.   He respected her for all she had done for Naomi.  
    Ruth was an honorable woman.  She was humbled when he took notice of her.  She went home that evening with plenty of food and told Naomi about her day.  This may have been the first thing to excite the older women in a long time.  Boaz was a kinsmen-redeemer and the ideal match in Naomi's opinion for Ruth.  
    When we chose to live an honorable life, then good things typically happen.  People tend to like you.  You have respect if not wealth.  Life appears to have purpose.  Things fall into place as long as you are patient and let things work themselves out.

Ruth 2

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