Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Be Honorable Part 2


    Naomi loved Ruth as if she was her actual daughter.  She wanted what was best for the young woman.  Naomi understood the importance of being an honorable woman to be able to get an honorable man.  Naomi came up with a plan to ensure that Ruth's future was secure.    
    Naomi had Ruth clean herself up, put her in her nicest clothing, and all the self-esteem boost from looking your best.  Then Ruth went to where Boaz sleep after working all day.  Ruth laid down at his feet and wait for him to instruct her.
    When Boaz awoke and found Ruth there he was pleased, but surprised.  She pointed out that he was her kinsmen-redeemer.  He said that there was one closer than himself and he would talk to that man in the morning.  If he declines, then Boaz would marry Ruth.  He sent her home making sure the she was unseen, so not to ruin her reputation.
    When Ruth got home, Naomi was waiting.  This was the most entertainment she had experienced in a long time.   When she got the report, she was encouraged.
    Naomi was not trying to get her daughter-in-law to act without honor, but it was a time where honor was not really a thing.  Everyone lived how they felt was best.  She didn't think that the situation could make Ruth look bad.  She was focused on making sure Ruth would be taken care of by a good man.  Her intentions were honorable.

Ruth 3

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