Friday, October 16, 2020



    Dedication is a personality or learned personal trait.  It is choosing to be faithful even in the hard times, even if there seems to be no good outcome.  When things get hard, it is not easy to keep dedication, loyalty, or steadfast for a cause.  Not everyone will.
    To be a person that is dedicated to God is to be set apart.  You are bound to live a different life.  You no longer have the option to follow the crowd or take the easy path, not even when you are beaten, tired, or sick.  This is the life of every true Christian.  
    Elkanah was a Ephraimite that had two wives, Peninnah whom bore his children and Hannah whom he loved.  Obviously, his life was complicated.  Every year when they went to make their sacrifices to God, Hannah would ask for children.  
    Elkanah was a good husband to Hannah, as good as one can be with two wives, but she needed her own children.  It was a disgrace to her not to have any.  Since Elkanah loved her, he felt that should be enough.  He just did not understand.
    During one of the trips, Hannah went to the church and prayed fervently.  Hannah made a vow that if God would give her a son, then the boy would be dedicated to Him from birth as a Nazarite.  She was so into her prayer that Eli, the head priest, thought she was drunk.  He went to chastise her for her unbecoming behavior.  
    Hannah explained to Eli what was really happening as she poured her soul out to God.  She laid her agony out at God's feet to fix.  Eli was then impressed and she left in peace.  A year later she had Samuel when she returned.  She was so dedicated to her vow that she moved to the church and once he was weaned, she gave Samuel to Eli to raise to follow God's path.  
    Hannah's cherished her son, but sacrificed raising him to honor God.  God honored her sacrifice.  One of the hardest things for a mother is to let her children go.  I can only imagine the sacrifice allowing someone else to raise your child.  It would take a tremendous faith.

1 Samuel 1

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