Saturday, October 17, 2020



    There are different types and levels to responsibility.  We are all responsible for something or someone (meaning at least ourselves).  Responsibility is a gift.  It is the driving force that gets things accomplished.  However, if you don't take the responsibility that is yours, then you are putting a burden on another person.  On the other side, if you don't learn how to delegate, then you will drown in all the responsibility that you take one.  There is a healthy balance that requires boundaries.
    Hannah did not give up her responsibility over Samuel, she just gave him back to God and enjoyed seeing him when she could.  God made her strong.  He gave her a family because she sacrificed the time with one.  God rewarded her with 3 sons and 2 daughters.  He was her foundation, so she never questioned what was right in that circumstance.  
    Eli took the responsibility of raising Samuel.  He own sons, Hopni and Phinehas, had turned out badly.  Samuel was a second chance for Eli to get it right.  Eli ministered to Samuel everyday.  He rebuked his own son's evil ways, but once children grow up to make their own decisions in life.  When children are able to make their own choices, then all you can do for them is give them wisdom and pray.  Eli's sons ignored his wisdom, which was a warning, and it cost them their lives. 
    Samuel grew up in God's favor.  He was able to see the world around him for what it really was.  He saw how Eli's love for his sons was not honoring to God.  Eli was too indulgent of them as they grew up.  Samuel saw that the sons would have a short life because of the choices that they made.  The evil ways cursed them and all the sons after to have a short life.  The brothers died on the same day.  God was replacing the evil priestly order with a new one that knew to put Him first.  
    Responsibility is being good stewards over what God gives you.  That includes money, time, possessions, your life, other lives, and your soul.  God will not give much to those who prove themselves not trustworthy or reliable.  We need to prove that we can be responsible to ourselves and to Him. 

1 Samuel 2

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