Sunday, October 18, 2020

God Calling


    If God were to call you on the phone, what would you do?  Would you hit decline or ignore because you don't recognize the number?  Would you block the number?  Would you answer, but only half heartedly because He obviously wants something?  Would you be excited that God was actually calling you?   The answer will reveal to you where you are in your relationship with Him, or if you even have one.
    When Samuel was a child he began to minister under Eli's tutorage.  There were very few copies of God's Word back then, so it was a treasured commodity as were visions.  It was unheard of letting a child touch it, but Eli was going blind.  Giving Samuel the privilege may have been his only way to hear it.  
    They were sleeping in different areas of God's house.  One night God called out to Samuel.  Now Samuel was a practical boy, so he assumed that it was Eli calling for him.  He rushed to Eli's room saying here I am.  The poor old man was startled awake, so he told Samuel groggily to go back to bed.  God called out to Samuel again with the same response, but possibly a little more irritated.  
    Samuel knew about God, but did not know God yet.  He did not recognize God's voice from another.  When God called out to the boy for the third time, Eli realized that God was the source.  He told Samuel to say "speak Lord, your servant is listening".  I mean wow.  That sends chills up my body.  If only we all would respond like that: openly, humbly, transparently, and honestly.
    When God called to Samuel the fourth time, Samuel did as Eli instructed.  God told Samuel that He was about to put things into motion.  It was time for Eli's leadership to end and for Samuel's to begin.  God gave Samuel a vision about what was about to happen to Eli and his family.  
    The next morning Samuel was afraid to see Eli because he did not want to tell him about what he saw.  However, Eli was curious about what God had to say and sought the boy out.  Samuel was a forthright and honest.  He told Eli everything.  
    As Samuel grew, so did his relationship with God.  God never left him.  Samuel became known as a prophet.  Others could see that God revealed Himself to the young man because he spoke with such wisdom.  God still reveals Himself through His Word.  The Bible may be easy to come by now, but it is a priceless commodity.  

1 Samuel 3

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