Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Stepping Down


    Most of us have never retired, but we have imagined it.  When you look forward what do you see?  When do you retire?  What does it mean for you?  re you ever going to be able to retire?  After all, no one retires from being a Christian.  Work however is so unpredictable.  None of us want to be forced out or forced to retire.  We all want it on our own terms and so did Samuel.
    Samuel had been the leader of the Israel nation almost his whole life.  When Saul became King, Samuel took the time to groom him and get him ready.  It was time for Samuel to step down as the nation's leader and allow Saul to take over.  If he was present, then some people would naturally still turn to him.  That would not be fair to Saul.  They were both ready for the their new roles.
    Samuel talked to the people to make it official after Saul's anointing.  God has always taken care of them and He was not going to stop now.  God was the one true king, but Saul was to be His representative.  Samuel warned them about what it would mean if they rebelled.  God would turn against them.
    The people asked for an evil thing when they asked to have a human to rule over them.  People have flaws, selfishness, and tainted hearts.  God is pure, true, and powerful.  He loved them, so he gave them what they thought they wanted, but in reality they wanted Him in the flesh.  They wanted to see Him, talk to Him like people talk, and touch Him.  That is evil because making God human, makes him like other gods.  We can only meet Him on His terms.
    Samuel asked the people to serve with all their hearts and never turn away from God's commands.  He asked them to pray for each other.  God has done great things around and through them.  He was not abandoning them.  He was just letting the new leader lead.
    Why do we so naturally turn to the things that are bad for us?  Why do we make choices that oppose Him and become surprised when things don't work out.  We still need to pray for each other to succeed.  We need to be able to step down with grace like Samuel when it is time.  Make a personal vow not to knowingly sin, cease praying, or stop being faithful in your heart.  Positions in life are temporary, but the soul if eternal.

1 Samuel 12

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