Monday, October 26, 2020

Step Into the Role: Part 1


    Life can be stressful and big changes are a trigger for stress.  Big changes in life can be a different job position, a move, or life change.  They are not easy, even when it is something you want.  
    When the Ammonites came to siege Jabesh-Gilead, the people wanted a treaty and become their servants.  Nahash led the siege,  He wanted to disgrace them by gouging out the right eye of all the people.  He allowed seven messengers got out of the city for help because he was not afraid.  
    Saul was working in the field when he heard the news.  The Holy Spirit burned in Saul's soul.  Saul had to act.  He gathered the troops and they went as one person to defend Gilead.  He became the king that day by leading 300,000 Israelites and 30,000 men from Judah.  
    Saul separated the men into three divisions.  It was last watch of the night when they broke into camp and slaughtered the Ammonites.  The slaughter lasted until midday.  The survivors ran alone to find refuge.
    After this glorious victory, Saul was beloved.  Samuel took Saul to Gilgal to confirm Saul's kingship in God's presence.  Afterwards they celebrated.  It was time to enjoy the changes that he had to make to step into this new role.  He did not have a role model to guide him, but he had Samuel.  He had the Holy Spirit and he had God's approval.

1 Samuel 11

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