Sunday, October 25, 2020

Israel's First King Part 2


    It all happened so fast.  One moment Saul was looking for a donkey, the next we was the guest of honor at Samuel's dinner.  Then he finds out he is going to be Israel's first king.  Before he could wrap his head around that, he was being anointed.  Samuel told Saul what to expect to try to prepare him the best he could.  
    The Holy Spirit came upon Saul after he was anointed while traveling home.  He was headed home when he encountered people on the road.  By the time he got home it only had been about four or five days since he had left, but he had been transformed by the Holy Spirit and the experience.  He was to wait seven days for Samuel to make a sacrifice and then it would all be official.
    The Holy Spirit changed Saul's heart.  Everyone noticed and wondered what happened to make him change so much.  His family inquired about what happened while he was away.  How do you tell people that you were the one that was chosen to be their king?  He could hardly grasp the concept himself.  He couldn't find the words for anyone else.  
    When the announcement was finally made that Saul was the King of Israel, he had quietly disappeared.  He went into hiding.  Maybe he was afraid how people would react.  When he was found and brought back to society, the people cheered "Long live the King".  Now we know where the saying came from.
    Samuel explained the regulations and wrote it all down.  Once everyone was on the same page on how the government would be run they were all sent back to their daily lives.  Many hearts were touched by God that day.  However, you will always have some people try to tear down anything good.  He had people that opposed him and refused to give him a gift acknowledging that he was king.  Saul stayed silent when he could have called them out.

1 Samuel 10

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