Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Prince


    Jonathan was Saul's eldest son.  He was the prince of Israel.  It was a role that had never been held before in their nation, so he probably felt a lot of pressure.  He wanted to be a good warrior.   He wanted to be a good son.  Yet, he wanted his own name.  He wanted people to like him despite his title.  Growing up famous can leave a certain vulnerability in the heart.
    The young prince took risk.  One day he went to a Philistine outpost without telling the king.  Saul was sitting with his 600 men, so he was unaware that Jonathan was no longer with them.  It was a risky venture as he and his armor bearer slipped into the enemy camp.  If he died, then the nation would lose their next king.  
    Once in the camp they revealed themselves to the enemy by mocking them.  Seems that youthful Jonathan had a bit of a rebellious side mixed with a lot of faith that made him brave.  The two of them managed to kill about 20 men in their first assault.  The Philistine camp was in panic to the point that their footsteps shook the ground.  
    Saul watched from the Israel camp, wondering what was happening.  When he realized that his son was not present.  Saul and his troops get to the scene to watch the Philistines killing each other in total confusion.  It made them easy pickings.  As the Philistines fled, the Ephraimites joined into the battle.  The Battle lasted all day extending many miles.  God came through for the nation of Israel that day.  
    After the battle was over, Saul declared that no man would taste food that night or would be cursed.  He wanted all the Philistines dead before they rested.  However, the prince did not hear the declaration.  He was hungry after his endeavors.  When he came across some honey, he ate it and was rejuvenated.  He saw that the soldiers were faint and needed to eat, but would not out of fear.
    Saul was not listening to God, yet he built an altar for God.  He was making choices that would make him feel good.  He wanted total victory, but he was not acknowledging that they only won because God made it happen.  (Remember that they were out numbered thousands to one.)  He was not learning from his mistakes.  
    When he could see that Jonathan care more about his men than him, he wanted to kill his own son in that moment.  He used the excuse that Jonathan had broken faith by eating honey.  However, Saul's men stood between them until Saul calmed down.  The relented and let his men eat and stopped pushing to continue the fight.  

1 Samuel 14

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