Friday, October 30, 2020

Rejected by God


    The worst thing I can possibly consider is being rejected by God.  We all face rejection from family, supposed friends, exes, jobs, and more.  It never feels good.  It can leave a lasting impression on your life.  For some, it changes the course of their life forever.  However, to be rejected by God is affects the soul.  It is horrific.
    For Saul, he had everything: respect, admiration, a family, wealth, and looks.  It was his pride and temper that were his downfall.  He could not appreciate what he had.  He had to have more.  Why would God give us more, if we do not appreciate what He has already given us?  Saul was more concerned about how other people saw him than how God saw him.
    Samuel came to Saul to give him a message from God.  Saul was to kill every single Amalekite, that included all their animals.  Saul took 2,000 foot soldiers and 10,000 men from Judah.  He warned the Kenites to leave because they had been good to Israel.  He proceeded to do as Saul said, except that he kept King Agag alive and allowed his warriors to keep the best of their animals only destroying the weak.
    Samuel was grieved who cried out to God.  The next morning he went to confront Saul with God's instructions.  God had anointed Saul to serve as His representative to the people, but he did evil instead.  The consequences were that God rejected Saul as the king.  God is more interested in obedience than our gifts to Him.
    The news humbled Saul, but it was too late.  He had had plenty of chances and warnings to change.  God is patient, so it proves that he had been given years to change.  Saul begged Samuel to give him forgiveness.  Samuel did, but then went their separate ways to never meet again.  Saul killed King Agag to try to make things right, but God's word had been put into place.   
    Samuel mourned because he had warned the people.  God was grieved over the situation. When God rejected Saul, it was his position in life.  Saul still had his opportunity to enter Heaven.  God does not reject people from spending eternity with Him.  It is the individual person that rejects God.  If we fail to believe, then we are closing the door for ourselves.  God will grieve over loosing each people that rejects Him.

1 Samuel 15

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