Saturday, October 31, 2020

New Dynasty


    It was hard on Samuel to have a king, when he knew all the people really needed was God.  It was devastating to watch that king dishonor God.  God finally told Samuel to stop mourning over what can't be changed.  It was time for him to move on and go to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem.  God ordered him not to fear the wrath of Saul and do what needed to be done.  The new king dynasty would be chosen from the sons of Jesse.
    When Samuel arrived the people were afraid of him.  Being a servant of God makes you stand out, but when you have the gift of prophecy it can scare people.  They don't want to hear anything that could change their lives for the worse.  They needed assurance that he came in peace.
    The first son that Samuel saw was Eliab.  He was handsome and looked the role, but God was not impressed that way.  God choses people by their character, their heart.  People are influenced by what they see.  Samuel then met Abinadab, Shammah, and four more sons.  God did not chose any of them.  Samuel ask Jesse if he had any more sons and was told about the youngest, David, that was working with the sheep  David was ruddy, but still handsome with beautiful eyes.  More importantly, he was God's choice.  
    That day, Samuel anointed David in secret to be the next king.  Nothing could be done until Saul was no longer in the position and Samuel did not want to put David in danger.  When David was anointed, the Holy Spirit left Saul and entered David.  Saul received an evil spirit as a replacement.  It was horrible, but it had to be done to complete God's plan.
    The evil spirit tormented Saul and music was the only thing that gave him any peace.  It just happened that David played the harp with eloquence.  David's music would send the evil spirit away for a while.  Saul liked David so much that he made David his armor-bearer to have him around more.  
    It is ironic that the person that would replace him is the very person that brought him peace.  Of course it is because he had the Holy Spirit in him.  The Holy Spirit is what brings us all peace.  This was the beginning of the end for Saul.  This was the beginning of a new dynasty in David.  No true change happens over night.  Saul still had time to fix some things in his life and soul and David had time to grow into a noble man.

1 Samuel 16

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