Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Giants


    We all have giants in our life.  Most of the time it is not literal, but events in our life.  Things happen that feel like it is too much to handle.  It can be the amount of stressful events, emotional crippling events, or physical limitations.  The giants are what make us feel small and insignificant in the world.  It is how we face our giants that matter.
    The Israelites and Philistines had drawn their battle lines.  Each nation staying on their side, but the Philistine nation had literal giants that stood at the line taunting the Israelites because they felt undefeatable.  Their biggest and strongest champion was Goliath.  He was crude and rude as he shouted over to the Israelites demanding to fight their champion for 40 days.
    The Israelite warriors were terrified.  Bullies tend to have that affect.  Jessie's three eldest sons were at that field, so David would come and bring them food.  One day David heard Goliath and was offended about how he insulted God's chosen people.  He wanted the disgrace removed.  Eliab was getting mad at his little annoying brother that appeared so arrogant.  Eliab thought that David was too young to understand the importance of what was happening.
    David wondered off to avoid an argument with his brother and Saul saw him.  Saul summoned David probably to find a little comfort.  David volunteered to face off Goliath.  He was acting in his passion for God, not analytically or rationally.  A spiritual high can drive you to do things that look crazy to the world.  
    David knew that God would deliver the nation because he had faith.  Faith enabled him to face this giant.  God has already delivered him from lions and bears, why not a tall person.  Saul blessed David's endeavor.  He just knew if anyone could do it, that it was this boy.  
    They dressed David for war, but he could not maneuver in the armor.  He had to fight in his element, so he went and grabbed five smooth stone and his sling.  Goliath saw David and was insulted and outraged to face a boy.  The very first stone hit Goliath in the head and killed the giant and he fell face down. 
    David went to the body of the dead giant.  He grabbed the giant's sword and cut off his head with it.  It was unbelievable.  It happened so quickly that it was over before most people even knew it was happening.  We build things up to be unsurmountable, but if we just act sometimes things would not drag out.  We would not become overcome by stress.
    The Philistines were horrified and ran with the Israelite army chasing them. How could one boy beat an entire army.  Saul was impressed.  Abner, the army commander, took David to Saul with Goliath's head in his hand.  
    Giants are scary.  They are there to stop you in your tracks, but they are not undefeatable.  With faith that God has you, any thing is possible.  Use your history, your strengths, and faith to fight your giants.

1 Samuel 17

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