Friday, November 27, 2020

A Leader Rebuked


    Leaders are just people.  They have their own issues that distract them.  They sin just like you and me.  There is nothing different other than that they are responsible for other people.  When they mess up, it can hurt innocent unknown faces.  
    David sinned in a big way.  He gave into temptation and committed adultery, then allowed a life to be taken to cover that adultery.  God could not allow David of all people to get away with hurting the innocent, so He sent Nathan to confront David.  Since David was the king, Nathan could not just go up to David and say "you have wronged our nation through your sin.  What are you going to do to make this right?"  Nathan had to be diplomatic.
    Nathan gave David a moving story about a rich man taking from a poor man.  David was impassioned by the story, but was not connecting it to what he had done.  Nathan had to explain it to the king and tell him how David had cursed his family to die in violent deaths.  We will see that later with Amnon, Absalom, and Adonijah.  David's wives would cheat on him and everyone would know.   
    David was humbled by this and confessed his sins.  God forgave him and allowed him to live, but the other consequences stayed.  David and Bathesheba's unwanted baby became precious to both of them, but he died seven days after his birth.  Through the pain, David turned God.  Once the baby was dead he went back to living life and comforted Bathesheba.  He mourned for the child when there was hope, now he could do nothing but accept the reality.
    Sometime later, David and Bathsheba had another son named Solomon.  Out of all of David's beautiful, intelligent, and good wives Bathsheba was the love of his life.  She and Solomon were treated differently than the others.  His life continued.  He won battles and gathered more riches for his nation and family.
    When a leader messes up, other people get hurt.  However, when they repent other people can be blessed.  God blessed David's home despite the curse.  There are always consequences and they never disappear, but don't have to stop living.  Look for the blessing in life instead of focusing on the consequences of the mistake.  Once God forgives you it is time to forgive yourself and move forward. Life goes on.  

2 Samuel 12

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