Saturday, November 28, 2020



    Rape is a serious crime that takes a person's purity, security, and self-esteem.  There really is no worse sex crime that exist.  Women, men, and children are raped everyday.  It is traumatic like being a victim of war.  The only thing that can make it worse is when it is someone that is known or a person in the family.  It is a victimization where a person will never recover without God.
    Years went by since David cursed his family.  His children grew up.  Amnon at some point became infatuated with his half-sister, Tamar.  Tamar was Absalom's full sister and very beautiful.  Jonadad was one of Amnon's closest friends and cousin.  He advised Amnon how to handle the situation because Amnon was a prince and should not make himself sick over any girl.
    Amnon pretended to be ill and asked for Tamar to take care of him.  David didn't see anything wrong with the request since there were siblings.  When he had her alone, he raped her.  After he ruined her virtue, he hated her like it was her fault.  He kicked her out leaving her to face the humiliation alone.  
    Tamar begged him to marry her to make it right, but he would not listen.  He left her feeling ruined and devastated, like it was her fault.  It is something she never overcame.  Back then being raped did ruin a woman, no other man would take her.  Amnon abandoned her to have a life alone which was worse than the rape itself.  
    Absalom loved her and took her into his home for protection for the rest of her life.  There she mourned the loss of her virginity and the cruel way it was taken.  Absalom was rightfully furious.  How could this of happened?  
    David was upset, but he did nothing.  Had David taken the situation and dealt with it immediately instead of just having a stormy mood over it, then maybe what happened next would never have happened.  During all of this, Tamar was forced to live with it in silence.  It never took into account the female perspective.  We don't get to hear how it affected her mom, grandmother, sisters, or friends.
    Two years went by before Absalom confronted the situation.  He waited patiently looking for an opportunity to take his revenge.  He had to use all his brothers, so no one would suspect his intent.  Absalom got Amnon drunk and ordered his men to kill him. It scared his other brothers so badly that they fled thinking their lives were in danger.  Absalom fled for his own safety to Geshur where he lived in banishment for three years  
    Absalom had every right to be angry and Amnon should have paid for his sin, but Absalom went too far having him killed.  When David heard about what happened, he mourned both his sons. How could David condone what Absalom did even though he probably understood why?  David yearned to go to his son because he loved him, but during that time Absalom's hate in his heart grew toward his father.  It really was a no win situation by this point.  
    When it comes to rape, it needs to be handled carefully and swiftly.  The crime cannot be ignored.  No matter the situation, It should never happen.  There should never have been a need for the word rape at all.  If it does happen, it cannot be ignored.  It doesn't matter who did the crime, it has to be dealt with.  It doesn't matter how the victim got themselves into the situation, they were still a victim and should never be shamed for something that happened to them.

2 Samuel 13

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