Sunday, November 29, 2020

Anger turns to Hate


    Over time we become the person in which we put our energy, thoughts, and time into.  It can be good or bad.  It can be something that happens to you, that altars you forever.  Events in life can become all consuming.  That is why we need to sift through things that we can't wrap our heads.  We have to work through the pain, focusing on a balanced life, and turn to God to remove the debris or scar tissue.
    Joab had been David's Commander for many years.  He knew how David thought, even if he did not always understand.  He cared and wanted David to find peace within his family.  He worked to make it where Absalom could return home because it was also a smart political move.  He went to a woman and advised her how to dress and speak to the king.  
    The woman told David a story that was moving.  It was about mercy.  It encouraged David to do what he wanted to do, relinquish the banishment on Absalom.  David was smart, he heard Joab's words coming out her mouth, but was grateful.  It was like hearing the people say it is okay to forgive your son.  It is what he needed.
    David sent for Absalom and Joab honored the prince.  Absalom was forgiven, but there still had to be consequences for murder.  He was not allowed to live in the palace, so he went and got his own house.  He also was not allowed to actually see David.  
    It was merciful, but for the prince it was intolerable.  He would not have acted if his father had punished Amnon for raping his sister.  He continued to feed his anger until it became bitterness.  The bitterness turned into hate over the years.  Absalom lost perspective.  The hatred grew as he waited to see his father for another two years.  He wanted an explanation, an apology, something that acknowledged David's part in it all.      Over the years Absalom became very good looking and charming.  His appearance was flawless which always has an affect on people.  He had three son and a daughter that he named Tamar, after his sister.  
    Over the two years that Absalom waited for David to see him, he talked with Joab.  Joab eventually convinced David to see Absalom, but it had been too long.  Five years of hate had been growing.  Soon it would boil over and Absalom would not be able to hide it anymore.

2 Samuel 14

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