Monday, November 30, 2020

Hatred Revealed


    For years Absalom's hatred grew for his father.  It probably began shortly after he realized his father was human and not this perfect king or father.  It may have begun with Bathesheba, but it definitely revealed itself after he returned from his banishment.  He was a man that was used to having his way and able to charm himself into or out of any situation, except with his father.
    The best way he could hurt his father was to use David's politics against him.  He charmed the people into making him their judge, spokesperson of the people to David.  The people loved him and did not really know David anymore.  His job had kept him from being one of them for a long time.  
    Four years pass and Absalom goes to Hebron, where he was born, in the pretense to worship.  In reality he went to have more room to work.  He sent private messages to the Israel tribes gaining strength to become the king of Hebron.  He thought it would be the ideal place to start, after all it worked for his father.
    By the time David discovers what is happening it is too late.  Absalom has the people's adoration and enough political people behind him that the coo could work.  It would lead to another civil way.  David did not want that or to fight his own son, so he took his officials and household and fled.  He had to leave 10 concubines behind trusting Absalom would not hurt them.  
    Zadok, the head priest, was able to grab the ark in all the haste, but David sent it back.  He did not want to do anything that could be portrayed as self-seeking or an act of war that would hurt his people.  They didn't realize how much he did for them, but he did have some loyal to him no matter what.  Zadok also became his inside man.
    Absalom's hatred made him single focused on destroying his father.  David turned to God because the pain of that could have destroyed him.  He was forced to rely on his true friends in Jerusalem while he waited for whatever would happen to play out.  He prayed over Absalom and his counsel.  He asked God to turn their counsel into foolishness.    

2 Samuel 15

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      Alarmed in Hebrew is  mevohel ( מבוהל).  It is used in the terms of being shocked or shaken.  In Greek it is Anisychiménos (Ανησυχημέν...