Tuesday, November 10, 2020



    Clemency is another word for mercy, but redirected to slightly different direction.  It is being merciful in a situation where a person acts with leniency.  They turn a stormy circumstance into a calming mode.  It is not a characteristic that all of us could pull off.  It sometimes requires the Holy Spirit to work within us.
    Saul's repentance toward David did not last long, like David predicted.  The evil within him would not let him stay calm.  When he received a report of where David was, he once again went into pursuit with 3,000 men.  I think this may have been the only thing that gave him any drive in life in this stage of his life.  He just could not accept the reality that his family would not continue to reign because of the choices he had made.
    When Saul's army slept the entire camp circled around him, making him the safest person in camp.  Abner, the army commander, was always at his side.  He was as protected as a person could be in an uncertain situation.  
    This tempted David to push the boundaries.  While they slept near where David was staying, he and Abishai snuck in.  They took the spear by Saul's head and his water jug, then snuck back out without being detected.  It was a message stating that if David wanted him dead, this was the second time he could have done so.  David would not let any of him men kill Saul.  He knew God would take care of Saul when it was time.  How can we remain pure and innocent if we give into evil acts like avenging or murder.   
    Once David and Abishai were at a safe distance he yelled out to Abner about failing to guard his king.  Saul knew David's voice immediately.  David asked Saul why Saul was pursuing him again.  The moment humbled Saul and he vowed never to try to kill David again.  David's response was that he did not rely on Saul's word, but on God for protection.  Saul blessed David.  David returned to his camp while Saul returned home.  This is once of their last encounters.
    David is a prime example on clemency.  He had a natural ability, but he relied on God to utilize his gifts.  We can learn a lot on how to treat those whom make our life difficult from reading and learning about David.  

1 Samuel 26

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