Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Fight or Flight Response


    When confronted with danger, we all have a natural response to that danger.  Some people will take flight and get out of harms way to figure out how to handle the situation.  Other people will look it in the eye and fight to keep their ground.  In most circumstances, neither is wrong.  Each side of the coin has it's usefulness, but knowing which one you lean towards will help you understand yourself better.
    David was brave and strong.  If he wanted to fight, he would probably win.  He had no problem standing and facing danger for what he believed.  After all. he killed a giant.  However, sometimes to do the right thing, he had to take flight.  David feared that if he stayed that Saul would kill him or he would be forced to kill the anointed king, so David fled.  
    At one point he ended up in the Philistine country.  He knew that Saul would not search for him there and he was right.  David with his 600 men settled in Gath.  He lived there for a year and four months working for the king.  King Achish fully trusted David.  Who would guess that would ever be possible.  He had a plan and it was working.  
    Sometimes we have to put pride to the side and do things that we do not want to do to make a difference.  Sometimes we have to risk looking weak to be able to carry out a well laid out plan or format one.  Fighting has its time and place, but it is not for every time and place.

1 Samuel 27

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