Sunday, November 15, 2020


    Call it whatever you want, but there are certain things in life that will not change like the months of the year, seasons, gravity, and God's promises.  Fate is something that must happen.  It is usually related to death.  It can have an ominous tone to it, but it can be comforting to know too.  If you know that you are going to die and go to Heaven, then there is nothing to fear.
    Saul knew his fate.  I don't think he embraced it, but he did face it.  His decisions led to the death of many Israelites soldier.  National leaders are held responsible for all of their people's safety, spiritual lives, and how they may thrive or wither financially.  Saul was punished for many things, but his men also paid the price.  His arrogance allowed him to step out of the will of God leaving himself and his loved one doomed.  
    In battle he watched all three of his sons die.  Jonathan was the hardest and the last.  He was such a mighty warrior and a good man.  He understood he was not going to be king and embraced it.  No one, but Saul knew that he would also loose his life.  Saul was getting older, but the nation thought Jonathan would be the next king. 
    After Saul witnessed all his son's deaths, he was hit by an arrow.  He knew he was going to die, but he took his death into his own hands.  He asked his armor-bearer to kill him , so that the Philistines could not claim victory over his death.  The armor-bearer was too afraid and could not do the deed, so Saul fell on his own sword taking his own life.  The armor-bearer in the moment of despair followed his king's example and fell on his own sword beside the king.
    That day Saul, his three sons, and all of his strong, brave warriors died.  His head along with his sons heads were taken as trophies by the Philistines.  Saul's clothes and body were distributed throughout the land.  It was a horribly disrespectful way to treat the dead.  
    The men of Jabesh Gilead heard the news and traveled all night.  They snuck into the Philistine camp and took the bodies of the princes and burned them, so that they too would not be mutilated.  Then, they buried the bones and fasted for seven days to pay tribute.
    The nation still was not aware that many years before,  when David was a shepherd, that he had been anointed to be the next king.  The people believed that they had no leader.  It was a dark time for the nation, but fate was still playing out.  The dark times would end soon.

1 Samuel 31

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