Monday, November 16, 2020

Obstacle Removed


    Have you every had an obstacle in your life that just seemed to keep you from growing as a person, finically, job promotion, physically, or in some other way?  The obstacle may only be there for a short time or it may be years.  We all have them, but it is the perspective of the obstacle that affects how we handle them.
    At the end of 1Samuel, Saul died.  David's biggest obstacle in his life up to this point is gone.  We are entering 2 Samuel and David is discovering that Israel's first king has been dead for three days when he gets the news.  Not only the king, but his best friend, his brother, Jonathan.  
    The messenger wanted in good with David because he was so popular and influential in the world.  He brought David the crown and arm band thinking that David would be impressed.  After all, to all appearances he had turned his back Israel.  No one was prepared for what happened.
    The refuged Israelite camp mourned the loss of the king and all the princes.  David asked the messenger who killed the king because he was not considering Saul an obstacle.  He was remembering all the good times that he had with that family.  
    The messenger said that the king was mortally wounded and that he finished the job of killing Saul.  David did not wait to have the story collaborated.  He killed the messenger immediately for killing an anointed of God.  In reality the fact that he was an Amalekite probably influenced the decision.  I am sure the poor man had no idea that David had just battled the Amalekites.
    David did not rush home.  He did not change his life immediately.  He took the time to mourn.  He could have rushed home and declared that he was anointed to be the next king, but he had more tact and wisdom than to do that.  Instead, he paid his respects by writing a lament for the lives of Saul and Jonathan.  
    It is important to really be in every stage of your life.  When it is a time of mourning, don't jump right into what will make you feel better.  Allow yourself to feel all your feelings.  If not, then it will make itself known in some format.  When an obstacle is removed, we need to take the time for introspection.

2 Samuel 1

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