Saturday, November 7, 2020

No End


    Sometimes life seems to be giving you a hard time at every turn.  It can feel like there is no end to pain, annoyances, struggles, or whatever you are facing.  If you have lived a full life, then you will see events that you never imagined would happen.  It can challenge your faith and outlook on life.  If you want to question God, then go to Him.  He is the only one who can answer why.
    David was run out of his own nation forced to live like a criminal on the run.  He could have sulked, felt sorry for himself, or been afraid but he turned to God to keep going.  He did not stop to lick his emotional wounds.  He prayed.  His men were afraid and looking to him for direction.  God gave him peace and confidence in how to move forward.  
    David went to confront the Philistines raiding a city near where he was living in the wilderness.  David and his men saved the people from lose of life, income, and comfort.  He turned his focus on helping other people and found comfort in that no matter how risky it was for him and his 600 men.  
    Saul heard about David being in Keilah and pursued him.  David received the news before Saul got near.  Instead of preparing for war or running, he prayed.  God led him and his people into the Desert of Ziph, the one place Saul did not search.
    Jonathan found David in Horesh.  He must have been led by the Holy Spirit or David gave him some clue or David would never have been found.  Jonathan encouraged his friend giving he new strength.  Jonathan acknowledged that David would be the next king with no fear or jealousy.  It was a blessing for David and exactly what he needed.  This would be one of the last times they would ever see each other.  
    David and his men stayed on the move, never getting too comfortable.  At one point Saul and his men were on one side of a mountain and David and his men on the other.  Saul and his men were closing in when God intervened with news of a Philistine raid.  Saul's men turned around to save the people.  Maybe they did not realize just how close they were.
    You may feel pursued.  You may feel lost.  You may feel abandoned.  You may feel weak.  Look past your feelings and pray.  Things may be scary and uncertain now.  Pray and listen for God's response.  He will direct you, comfort you, and give you what you need in the moment.  If you focus on the struggles, then there is no end to them.  Focus on the good, the hopeful, on God.

1 Samuel 23

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