Friday, November 6, 2020

Change is in the Air


    It is a time of uncertainty in the American Nation.  It can be a time of positive change or looking for how to make the situation work for you.  We do not need to turn to insults, acts of hate or fear, or allow our dark side to come out.  Change is in the air and that can be scary while exciting.  Remember that God has a plan.  He is in control.  If you are struggling look at how He has taken care of His people throughout history.
    David was alone in a very uncertain world.  He had a few men with him, but he had lost his family and close friends to be able to survive.  He did not know that it was just a small period of his life.  This was his life at that time.  I am sure once his family joined him in the cave he resided that it helped.  
    David used this time of distress to become stronger.  He became the leader of all those that were hurting or distressed.  He was one of those people that people are drawn to.  Before he knew it, he had become the leader to 400 loyal men.  David moved to Moab to be safe and not endanger his people.  However, he did not stay long because a prophet told David to go to Judah.  David wnet to Hereth's forest.
    While David was growing in character, Saul was falling apart.  He lashed out at his commanders for allowing David to escape.  He had a bad blaming complex.  Nothing was ever his fault, but the fault of everyone around him.  Doeg wanted to get in good with the king, so he reported to Saul where he had seen David last and why David was there.  He liked the attention that Saul gave him after that.  He probably thought he would get something out of it.  
    Doeg's declaration led to Ahimelech's interrogation.  He had no knowledge of what was really happening, but that did not stop Saul for giving him and his family the death sentence.  Doeg was the one that knew the truth and still carried out the death sentence.  He had 85 men, women, children, and animals killed.  Doeg was pouring hot coals upon his own head for that kind of evil.
    Abiathar was Ahimelech's son.  He was the only one that escaped.  He must have been traumatized (probably for the rest of his life) by it all.  He went to join David.  David promised to keep him safe.  He felt responsible for the lives that were lost.  
    This was time of great pain for the Israel nation.  God allowed it to happen to give David time to grow into the king that they needed.  This time of pain also prepared the people for the change that was in the air.  
    Things may look dire right now for some Americans, but we have to believe that God has a plan for our nation too.  We have to keep HIM first.  We have to take responsibility for our part in this world.  We have to try to make the changes that are happening to glorify God.

1 Samuel 22

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