Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Acknowledging Others


    We have all had help to become the person we are today, get where we are, and to achieve our accomplishments.  No one can live this life without help or the influence from other people.  You are who you are and that drives you or stops you.  However it is the people in or around your life that help fine tune what you are.
    David was an amazing king and person.  He was exalted above all other people and anointed by God.   God's Spirit spoke through David and evil men were cast aside.  However, David had help from people every step of the way.  He was the type of person that needed to be responsible for other people to keep going.  He had people that felt responsible for him that made sure he took care of himself too.
    In this chapter David takes a moment to recognize the incredible warriors in his life.  Without the strong warriors the nation would have been taken.  These men risked their life for the nation, king, and family.  
    There was a point where the battle was at an impasse.  David was so thirsty.  All he did was mention it and three of his warriors risked their lives to make sure he had fresh water.  This moment humbled him in a noticeable way.
    David had 37 accomplished and special warriors that he kept near himself.  He made sure that every one of their names made it into the history of the nation.  That is an amazing gift.  He knew he didn't get where he was on his own and he acknowledged those that got him there where they would never be forgotten.

2 Samuel 23

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      Alert is erani ( עֵרָנִי) in Hebrew.  It means to be watchful, vigilant, aware, or wide awake.  In Greek it is synagermós (συναγερμός)...