Monday, December 7, 2020

Take A Moment for Praise


    David's life was full of ups and downs.  He had things in his life that would destroy some people, but he thanked God.  He took the time to write a song of praise to God for delivering him every difficult step.  He took a moment to remember all the people that wanted to harm him and how God got him through it.
    David had an attitude of worship and praise.  That made it easier to see all the good because he was looking for it.  He expected life to work itself out, but understood it would not always be rosy.  He found his strength in God being his protector.  
    God's presence is powerful and undeniable when you are touched by it.  The faithful and blameless will recognize each other even if they never have met because they see Him in each soul.  You can see him in the purity of life.  
    God delights in His creation.  He enjoys your company.  He wants to be a part of your life.  If you let Him, then He can lead you away from danger to a more productive and joy filled life.  If you turn to Him no matter what, then your enemies will loss heart because they can see Him when they look at you.  He can make you look like an undefeatable giant.  All you have to do is live a life of praise and worship.

2 Samuel 22

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