Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Making Your Home God's Home


    When you are a Christian, your soul becomes the home to the Holy Spirit.  Your Faith (heart and mind) becomes the home for Jesus until you joint Him in Heaven.  The church is God's home, but we are the church.  That means that our physical home is God's home.  How do we make it apparent that He is not a guest there, but a resident?
    Once Solomon was done with God's temple, he built himself a palace.  It took 13 years.  So that means there was 20 years of stable income for the workers of the nation.  His palace consisted of a throne hall which was a hall of justice.  He made working from home a real thing.  
    As he worked on his own home, he continued to furnish God's temple.  He did not want his house to be nicer than God's house.  He added in bronze work from Tyre.  He decorated it elaborately: pillars, stands, baths, decorations, and even the pots.  He furnished it with an altar, table, lampstands, and golden basins.  He put his own treasures in there.  He included his father by donating David's consecrated things to the temple.
    Solomon understood that it took wisdom to be able to make God a part of his life without humanizing Him.  People tend to forget that God is God because He is merciful.  People tend to lower Him down to make it where they can understand Him.  It doesn't work like that.  
    Solomon made God's house a priority.  He spent as much time there as his own home.  That is how he made himself available to God.  God was with him, so everywhere he went so did God.  It was evident to everyone that God was a part of Solomon's life.  No one questioned that God was a part of his home.

1 Kings 7

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      Alert is erani ( עֵרָנִי) in Hebrew.  It means to be watchful, vigilant, aware, or wide awake.  In Greek it is synagermós (συναγερμός)...