Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Building God a Home: Part 2


       Once the foundation has been laid and becomes steady, that is when you begin the work that people actually see begins.  That is when the house, building, church, or other structure is built.  However, without the foundation the beautiful structure will not last.  It will sink, be torn down, or fall apart in a matter of time.
    It had been 480 years since the Israelites had left Egypt when Solomon began to build a solid home for God.  God reassured Solomon that this was what He wanted.  David had not been allowed because of all the blood on his hands, but Solomon was a new age and new leader for His people.  As long as Solomon followed Him, He would keep his family as His leaders over the people.
    Solomon completed the long task of building God's house called the temple.  Then he spent time gathering the beautiful things in his world to decorate it.  After it was decorated, he placed the ark inside.  The temple had carvings, gold, and cherubs.  
    Solomon had a courtyard built and decorated.  It was a beautiful master piece and all the little extras were notable.  There were inner and outer courtyards which all had their own foundation, so they would last.  It took fours years to lay the foundation and another seven years to build and decorate the temple.
    The thing was back then there was separation of classes, tribes, and availability to God.  Not anyone could approach God.  All the different layers were more for the separation than the beauty, but they made it look nice.  Once Jesus came, the most inner separator disappeared.  We can be as close to God as we want and no one can get between that.

1 Kings 6

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      Alert is erani ( עֵרָנִי) in Hebrew.  It means to be watchful, vigilant, aware, or wide awake.  In Greek it is synagermós (συναγερμός)...