Thursday, January 28, 2021

Know Your History Part 3


    Part of knowing your history to take a good look at death.  We all know that we are only on the earth for a moment of time.  What most don't want to do is to think about or face their immanent death.  Looking back through your family history is a form of educating yourself on how to prepare.  The more you know the more your life style can prevent certain types of unpleasant deaths.
    The body is a treasured gift from God.  He created each of us different.  We are responsible with how we handle that body.  There will always be disputes on how that should be done.  However, if you have a personal relationship with God, then you and God can figure out what the best plan for a long and healthy life is for you.  If your health does fail, then He can guide you on how to get through the bad parts or endure.
    The Jewish Historians began with Saul's death because he was the first of their kings.  Studying Saul was a good start to figure out how they had gotten to be exiled.  Saul was wounded by an arrow.  He had watched three sons die that day.  He asked his armor-bearer to finish the job so that the Philistines could not disgrace him.   When his servant refused to kill him, he killed himself.  His people saw what happened and the survivors ran for their own lives.
    A group of valiant men snuck into a Philistine city to recover the bodies of their king and three princes.  They made sure that they had a proper burial and then fasted for seven days.  Saul died because he was unfaithful to God.  He did not listen to God.  He knew what would happen in that battle, but his pride would not let him stop the fight.  He went into battle sentencing his sons to death and died last.  This fulfilled God's prophecy about him and handed the kingdom over to David.

1 Chronicles 10

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