Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Pray for Deliverance


    Prayer is the most powerful element in this world.  It is a complete mystery on how it works, but so simple that everyone can enjoy it.  It is communication with the one Living God, but it doesn't require any language.  When embraced in every aspect of life, it makes life complete.  True prayer has power in the spiritual world.
    King Hezekiah followed God and prayed throughout his life.  The Assyrian King got under his skin despite his faith when he heard that the Assyrian king planned on destroying Jerusalem and all who lived there and mocked God.  Hezekiah's distress led him to have the entire nation pray over the threat at their front door.  
    God provided Hezekiah with emboldened confidence.  The king took what was anxiety and turned it around.  He cursed the Assyrian King with an evil spirit that made him afraid.  The strong scary king turned around and ran home when he heard a rumor that Egypt was coming.
    King Hezekiah received a letter from the King of Cush and took the letter to God to pray over it.  He asked God for deliverance for another country as if it were his own.  He compassion and confidence that God would take care of the need in the best way.  It is that kind of prayer that gets God's attention.  Any prayer that reveals the true heart God listens and responds.
    God had Isaiah respond on His behalf to King Hezekiah's prayer.  Isaiah told the king that Sennacherib would fall due to his arrogance.  Arrogance is another word for pride.  God wanted Hezekiah to have confidence, so He provided signs to assure him that Jerusalem would be saved.  
    True to God's Word, King Sennacherib of Assyria was killed by two of sons.  He had to be a very bad leader and father for his own children to kill him.  Taking a life is not something easy.  Taking a life of someone you know is even harder, but a family member is hard to fathom.  Since they killed their father they could not become the next king, so another son ,Esarhaddon.

2 Kings 19

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