Friday, February 26, 2021



    Reform is a scary word because it means life is changing.  What you are used to is disappearing an you are entering the unknown.  It can be good or bad and that differs on the perspective of the people that it involves.  All change has an upside and a down side for someone.  
    King Asa reformed the Judah nation to be able to build a relationship with God. according to the message that came from the Holy Spirit.  It meant some major things had to change in his nation.  God doesn't change, so we have to.  How we chose to handle that change depends on our perspective on who He is.  God is always seeking a relationship with you, so all you have to do is take a step toward Him.  However, if you chose to walk the other way and forsake Him, then He will not stop the consequences.  
    Asa was making major changes in his nation so no one would forsake God.  These changes did not make him popular with some people.  The unhappy people always speak louder than those whom are content or joyful.  It was not an easy job for King Asa.  I am sure he questioned himself at times.  
    Asa's 15th year as king, he gathered all his people and performed a huge sacrifice to clear the way of reestablishing the covenant God had made with their ancestors.  This would require them all to follow God with all their hearts and souls or they would die.  Basically if you refused to worship God, then you would be killed.   It feels a bit extreme.  Today we would call him a dictator, but God appreciated his efforts.  He was going to extremes to try to get his nation to really turn to God.  However, I am sure that many people probably just went through the motions to save their lives.  
    Asa stood by what he believed no matter what.  It was radical, but his faith was everything to him.  He started at home by destroying all of the queen mother's, his grandmother, asherah poles.  He did fail in the area of destroying all the pagan churches.  He allowed them to stay.  He gave all his silver, gold, and utensils to the church.  He sacrificed a lot for God.      
    Let me make it clear, I am not condoning murder for your faith.  I am not endorsing crushing people to achieve what you think is right.  In this time, this is what God needed from His king.  It was never going to be that way again.  We all need to workout our faith to serve God best.  That may require reform, but you have to start with yourself, before you draw anyone else into it.

2 Chronicles 15

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