Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Prayer of Refuge

     We all have times where we need refuge: fear, fatigue, persecution, and other things in life that attack or exhaust us.  We can pray for refuge even when we don't know what exactly we need.  Go to God with an upon heart and trust Him to take care of it.
    Pray when you wake up before you leave the bed.  It prepares your mind for the day.  It puts things in perspective and helps prepare you for the unknown.  The point is that evil can't dwell where God is, so if you start off your day inviting God into your day, then it gives no room for Satan in the mindset.  He can affect things around you, but when you pray Satan flees.  Prayer is powerful.
    Pray repentance as soon as you realize that you have sinned.  It keeps the heart open.  Prayer keeps the heart from becoming calloused or immune to sin.  Trust in God's righteousness to lead you throughout your day.  He has great mercy which leads to refuge.  Refuge can be a good night sleep, a needed vacation, change in life, support, or protection.
    God protects His people even if we forget to ask, but it is nice to ask.  His refuge can come in the form of blessings which work as a shield.  We just need to open our eyes and recognize what He is doing in our lives or the gifts that He is giving us/
    Love is a type of refuge.  He can teach each of us how to love better.  He can show us how love can be a shield.  Life is not easy.  It never will be.  We just have to have faith and keep an open line of communication with God.

Psalm 5

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