Friday, June 25, 2021

Victorious Strength


    We are victorious when we follow God.  When we spend time investing into that relationship we become strong without even realizing it.  God is strength.  He is not showy or flashy normally because He doesn't need to be.  He is constant and is never plagued with insecurity.  He knows that His strength is victorious.  That means that if we have that confidence, then our strength will be victorious too.
    Rejoice in God's strength because He gives you your victories in life.  He gave us life, but He didn't have to give us a life of free will,  He gives us the freedom to explore who we are and our purpose.  The life He gave us is a life of love and passion that we should cherish and thank Him for.  Go to Him with all your heart desires, good and bad, and let Him help you find the direction to the most fulfilling life.
    Show your love to God by trusting Him with confidence.  He loves you at your worst.  Can you love Him when you feel like He is letting you down?  He isn't, He is just changing things in your life.  He never gives up on you, so can you stand firm in that relationship even if it puts important things on the line?  He is your biggest advocate.  He wants to see you succeed in your endeavors as long as they don't go against His laws.
    God does get angry.  His anger is a Holy anger.  He gets angry against the people that wish to harm or take the joy from His family.  He hates evil and what it does to us.  We have to be strong to follow Him, but His path is the victorious path.  It makes God happy to see you live a victorious life.

Psalms 21

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