Saturday, January 1, 2022



    Today is a new start to a new year.  How do you want to start the new year?  I want to think about what matters to me and narrow in on that.  God is at the top of my list and I am working through a tough book.  Today is about respect.  How can I show God respect this year.  I am going back to my new year 40 day fast: nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies, and water.  No coffee, no bread, no meat.  It is a cleansing fast that forces you to focus on what matters, but it has a lot of health benefits too.  It just does not feel good that first week.
    When you go to church, listen.  It is not about being seen, giving your tithe or offering, showing how smart you are, or a fashion show.  I will say, I am self conscience about what to wear to church these days and it has nothing to do with going to church.  It is communion, fellowship, and an opportunity to learn.  It is about building on our morality.  Go with an open and humble attitude to show God respect.   
    Understand that you are a sinner.  Do what you must to avoid sin, but you are a sinner.  Be aware and give what you know to God.  Be careful with your words and don't give your heart away hastily.  Don't treat love like a fairy tale or dream.  Only fools do that.  This is how you can give God respect.  He designed love to protect you and make you stronger.  
    If you make a vow to God, fulfill it without hesitation.  If you hesitate, then it may never happen and that disrespects God and yourself.  Not keeping your word is a horrible sin.  That is why we need to guard our mouth.  
    The poor often are oppressed and have their rights taken from them.  The powerful are enticed by money and have no problem stomping on the poor to have more.  This is a meaningless existence.  They lose sleep over the fear of losing their wealth.  You came into this world naked with nothing.  That is how you will leave this world.  Things in between are just things, but it is a grievous sin to hoard wealth while others are suffering around you because they do not have money.  Turn to God to avoid corruption, bureaucracy, or seeking popularity.
    It is good to work in your life and to be blessed with nice things.  There is nothing wrong with having money and things as long as it is not prioritized over your relationships, especially with God.  Be satisfied if you treat people well, give generously, and work hard for what you have.  It is a gift from God and we all need an occupation.  A life without purpose is meaningless for the person.  Occupation gives purpose, joy, and gladness to the heart.

Ecclesiastes 5

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