Today we say goodbye to another tough year. It may have been more touch than the year before because no one expected things to last nearly as long as they have. Conversations have altered to the point that we have to accept that the way we once saw things has changed forever. It also puts things in a new perspective.
What really matters to you? What would you like to say good bye to at midnight tonight? What changes would you like to install into your life starting tomorrow? Where does this affect your finances and perspective on money and wealth?
There is oppression all around us. All we have to do is open our eyes to it. The things is most of us do not want to because then it becomes our responsibility to do something. It may feel like too big of a task. You cry, but find no comfort. The oppressors seem to have all the power. What can you do to change anything?
For some people it is so bad that they envy the dead. At least it is over for them. That is a dark place, but place many people find themselves. The unborn are lucky because they have not been exposed the dark forces of this world. These feelings are envy which is dangerous. It will lead you to places you don't want to go and tempt you to do things out of your nature. It corrupts the way you think.
A fool will not work for what he has because why should he. Things are given to him. Other people take care of him and if they didn't he would just go take what he wants. He is jealous of the wealthy, but he doesn't want to put in the work to become wealthy in an honorable or respectable way.
This can cause the wealthy to feel lonely. People only seem to want things from them. They aren't interested in their pain, agony, or loneliness. They are treated like a bank, not people. Rich people can easily find themselves miserable because we were never meant to be alone in this world. God wants us to work together building each other up, not hurting each other.
Be content with what you have in life. That does not mean that you can't have dreams or work towards things. It means find pleasure in where you are at today. Look for the small joys of life when it may feel like there is nothing to be joyful about. It means find people in your life that help make things better and you make their lives better too. Together you become stronger.
It is better to be young and idealistic than a mature adult that is a foolish leader. Living your life for money is foolish. There are so many things that bring joy, contentment, and purpose to life. Money is only one small aspect. It makes certain things easier, but other things more complicated. Money has the ability to corrupt. Find people that are humble. Wealthy can be a variety of things that brings substance to life. It doesn't necessarily have to be money.
Ecclesiastes 4
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