Saturday, July 30, 2022

God's Love for His People


    God's love is a real things.  It is affectionate and faithful.  He loves every person, but He has a redeeming love for His people through the covenant relationship.  When Hosea was a prophet for God, it was Israel and Judah.  Today is all who are true Christians.  Jesus opened the door for us Gentiles to be able to be a part of God's family too.  God abandoned Jesus to His fate so that we could have a way to Him.
    God's love for His people is insurmountable.  That is why when His nation rebels and becomes adulterous it hurts Him.  God leads through kindness and love, but when we act like spoiled children, then he has to show discipline.  His discipline can be in anger, but always out of love.  He is not an abuser.  There is always a valid point and the consequences fit the sin.  He abandoned Israel to their fate, so that they could come to Him on their own accord, like He had Jesus on the cross.  There is always a reason.
    God's love for His nation provides for our needs.  If we reject the offer, then that is on us.  He shows compassion by not destroying all people for our wicked ways.  He knows eventually that His people will return to Him.  He is waiting with the promise of restoration.  

Hosea 11

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