Thursday, August 11, 2022

Complacency & Pride Judged


    Do not be complacent or prideful.  It leads to all sorts of evil.   Instead put off evil that brings near the reign of terror.  God sent His nation into exile because they allowed complacency and pride to open doors to horrific evil.
    God abhors pride.  Pride in a way should bring fear into the heart, but the heart is too haughty to fear God.  That is why He attacks it so intensely.  It is the only way to get the attention of the proud.  
    Do not rely on your strength alone or you will be brought to ruin.  Pride leads to oppression.  God's people got too comfortable when David was king.  They took advantage of the blessings that God had given them, so God had to take it all away for them to see where the blessings came from.  They were driven from the land that He had given them.
    No person or nation should believe that they are indestructible because they are not.  This type of thinking leads to arrogance which leads to a curse.  Pride's curse is death.  Pride leads to absurd and irrational behavior in God's eyes.  

Amos 6

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