Monday, August 29, 2022



    Sin leads to a downfall.  When Nineveh did not take God seriously, they had their downfall.  It was sad, but just.  This great city that was so full of life was now full of blood.  There were many causalities.  There were bodies everywhere.
    It always starts out small, but then sin grows quickly.  Lust and sorcery drove Nineveh to a violent lifestyle.  This lifestyle made them enemies of God.  He wanted to humble them, so that they could acknowledge who He is.  That was their only hope for salvation, but they hid and made themselves weak.  They had cursed themselves.
    All that the city was for nothing.  It changed nothing.  The devastation was complete.  It was like the city itself had been consumed by locust to the point where there was no remedy.  No one cared or had mercy for them.  Their cruelty led to them having a cruel end. 

Nahum 3

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