Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Spiritual Corruption


    When there is spiritual corruption you see there are some common factors.  Women step out of their God given roles and decide to oppress other people and they command their husbands.  They even crushed the needy instead of helping.  
    When Israel allowed spiritual corruption, the were taken away like cattle with hooks in their nose.  The people were taken away like cattle going to slaughter all because sin appeared to rule.  It was everywhere and in your face.  It had been accepted.  Even at church, it was just going through the rituals.  The time of worship had ended.  People would go around boasting about what they gave.  God wants you to give out of love and devotion, not bragging rites.  He gave the boastful hunger to draw them to repentance.  
    When God passed judgment on His nation, he withheld rain.   They were thirsty where when they did drink, they were never satisfied.  He let them be hungry by destroying their crops with mildew and locust.  When they still did not repent He took it a step further.  He gave them a plague, war, and death.  It was so bad that the smell was all consuming.  Yet, His people had grown hard.  They still did not repent.  He is all powerful and we should not forget that. 

Amos 4 

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