Monday, August 22, 2022

Unjust Leader


    It is the job of a leader to know what is just and enforce it.  Corrupt government officials, missionaries, and preachers plague the world giving God a bad reputation.  We are His witnesses here on earth, but if we twist it to serve our purpose, then we give the world the wrong message. Political leaders pervert justice whole false prophets pervert God's Word.  This invites severe judgment to the point that they will never find solace.
    If we lead people astray from God, then your world will grow dark.  You will not find the light.  You will discover shame and disappointment.  When you cry out to God, you will receive silence.  You will be given over to your sin.  To follow God may not be popular or easy, but it will fill you with the Holy Spirit who will empower you to enforce justice.    
    Pervert what is right leads to bloodshed.  Once bloodshed starts, it can become uncontrollable.  The innocent get killed along with the intended.  Money may have been the point, but it can't buy what you really need for your soul.  It will not get you out of disaster that is inevitable until you confess your sins and turn from your rebellious ways.  
    Micah's sermon may not have done much in his life, but it did help save Jeremiah's life roughly a century later.  Evil and corruption have been around since the beginning of the population of the world.  The message has never changed, but it does impact people at different times.

Micah 3 

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