Saturday, August 13, 2022

Vision of a Basket


    The fourth vision that Amos had was of a basket of summer fruit which means the end.  Ripe fruit must be eaten or it rots quickly.  God had showed Amos the time was now for the Israelites were ripe for judgment.  The needy will be trampled and the poor will be disposed as they became slaves to their own people.  They had become dishonest and cheated each other to make their own pockets full even on the Sabbath.  
    A beautiful normal day with temple songs that will turn into wailing then there was silence as bodies fall everywhere.  At noon the sun will go down for it is the Day of the Lord.  The land itself along with it's inhabitants will mourn bitterly.  A famine will approach and the people would have a thirst unlike any they had experienced.  It was a thirst for God's Word.  
    Men would stagger while searching for God's Word because they understood that they it was their last hope.  They didn't even know enough to be able to pray.  The lovely women and strong men all become faint, but they never find it.  They will fall to never rise againIt was the end of Israel.  

Amos 8

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